The Best Way To Find Something Exciting Is To Explore
Take a bus to the next district, town or village and ask at the Library or Tourist Information office for a local map, go somewhere you've never been before - a different park, library, garden, museum or family pub that you didn't know was there. Let your kids be your guide, buying tickets and reading the map.
Best Science Ever: Colour Changing Plants
You will need:
- A white or pale coloured flower with a reasonably long and thick stem - a carnation works well.
- A sharp knife
- 2 hi-ball glasses, or other tall thin containers
- Water
- Food colouring
How to do it:
- If your flower in shop bought, cut an inch or two off the bottom of the stem before you start.
- Fill both glasses 2/3rds full with water, then add a few drops of food colouring to one glass. Put them next to each other in a sunny spot, as close together as you can.
- Then cut the flower's stem in half lengthways from the bottom to about 2/3rds up the plant.
- Put the flower into the 2 glasses of water, one half of the stem in each.
- Leave for about 2 hours, then see what's happened.
Take it further:
- What happens if you add food colouring to the other glass?
- Can you use several glasses and flowers to make different colour combinations?
- Do some types of flower work better than others?
- Does anything else change how quickly it works?
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